Education and training
Education and training are at the heart of the Foundation’s purpose and commitment, and encompass a wide range of innovative formats, cutting across different topics and targets: from educational projects for schools to post-graduate courses, all the way to business incubation and acceleration programmes.

Younger Generations
We work to help young people find their aspirations, so as to nurture and strengthen the determination and commitment they need to pursue their personal and professional growth.

Together, we tackle the challenge that is currently emerging at all levels in our increasingly complex, globalised world: that of sustainable development.
We devise, develop, and implement education and training projects aimed at involving young people in authentic, practical activities based on active, responsible citizenship.
We work to help young people find their aspirations, to nurture and strengthen the determination and commitment they need to pursue their personal and professional growth, and to connect their experience to those of others, increasing their awareness of to the countless needs and opportunities of today’s world.
'Telling' is always much more than simply telling ONE story... it's about the story being told and those which, thanks to it, can find inspiration, a fresh start, or a turning point.
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Our Achievements
This is the vision that guides and inspires everything we do.
‘On Campus’ course
SROI index
training days
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Fondazione Edoardo Garrone
Via San Luca, 2 – 16124 Genova – Italy
Phone: +39 010.868.1530 – Fax: +39 010.868.1539
Monday – Friday – 09:00 am – 06:00 pm