Progetto Appennino
Training, planning and expertise at the service of the territory.

Ideas that move mountains
The ReStartApp and ReStartAlp residential incubation projects, the acceleration programmes and networking workshops of ReStartApp per il Centro Italia (ReStartApp for Central Italy), and the increasing will to significantly contribute to the economic and social development of the Apennine region – these are the core elements of Progetto Appennino – idee che muovono montagne (Apennines Project – ideas that move mountains). This project proposes an innovative model to revive and sustain Italy’s Apennine areas by: fostering the creation of start-ups run by young people; strengthening the existing ones; investing in their synergy and, more in general, in the networking of skills and resources in order to promote sustainable entrepreneurship, thereby also favouring the overall development of the local areas and the local communities.
Relying on, and sharing, the experience gained through the training courses and consultancy services provided over the past editions of ReStartApp, Fondazione Edoardo Garrone offers Apennine areas a real opportunity to relaunch the local economy, regenerate the environment, and promote social development.
Every year, for 5 years, a call open to the various local areas (“Chiamata per i territory”, literally “Call for the territories”) will be issued, allowing public and private entities located in the Apennines to apply to host the entire training and consultancy event Progetto Appennino – idee che muovono montagne (Apennines Project – ideas that move mountains), including the ReStartApp on-campus course + the acceleration programme for local enterprises + the networking workshops – a whole system of tools and skills to sustain local development policies.

We connect skills
Sharing different but synergic skills to achieve strategic objectives.
Aiming to offer practical, effective tools to strengthen one’s business, ever since the first edition of ReStartApp – back in 2014 – Fondazione Edoardo Garrone has created a system of alliances with profit and non-profit entities, all driven by the same will to contribute to reviving the Apennines.
Networking to promote networks: this is what has inspired our commitment to the Apennine areas.
Storie di Giovani Imprenditori
Find out more about the Project
Fondazione Edoardo Garrone
Via San Luca, 2 – 16124 Genova – Italy
Phone: +39 010.868.1530 – Fax: +39 010.868.1539
Monday – Friday – 09:00 am – 06:00 pm