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Fondazione Edoardo Garrone supporting young entrepreneurs
Fondazione Edoardo Garrone’s commitment to supporting young entrepreneurs and the development of mountain areas is now focusing in particular on the Apennines. This area is indeed lagging behind in terms of strategies and solutions capable of exploiting its potential to the fullest.

The entrepreneurs that have completed the ReStartApp® and ReStartAlp® residential (on-campus) courses, do not simply work in their local area – they work for their local area. It is never just about a company, but, always, about far-reaching economic, environmental, and social projects.
The Apennines are the backbone of Italy, a constellation of ancient and yet constantly-evolving hamlets, an open-air library treasuring age-old knowledge, biodiversity and unique tastes, a closely-knit weave of trails and possible stop-overs…the place that is home to our identity, from time immemorial. And a place of new beginnings.
In 2014 Fondazione Edoardo Garrone held the first edition of the ReStartApp on-campus course, aiming to give new momentum to the Apennine economy by fostering the creation of innovative, sustainable enterprises run by young people.
Grondona (AL)
June 7 – September 7, 2014
- 336 training hours
- 15 young aspiring entrepreneurs involved
- 60.000 euro allocated for start-up prizes
- 4 enterprises established after the course
Grondona (AL); Portico di Romagna (FC)
June 29 – September 19, 2015
- 602 training hours
- 30 young aspiring entrepreneurs involved
- 120.000 euro allocated for start-up prizes
- 10 enterprises established after the course
Thanks to the cooperation with Fondazione Cariplo, the ReStartApp project was extended to the Alps with ReStartAlp
Premia (VCO)
June 20 – September 30, 2016
- 364 training hours
- 15 young aspiring entrepreneurs involved
- 60.000 euro allocated for start-up prizes
- 5 enterprises established after the course

Sansepolcro (AR); Premia (VCO)
March 6 – May 26, 2017
June 26 – September 29, 2017
- 700 training hours
- 28 young aspiring entrepreneurs involved
- 120.000 allocated for start-up prizes
- 12 enterprises established after the course
Premia (VCO)
June 24 giugno – September 30, 2018
- 350 training hours
- 14 young aspiring entrepreneurs involved
- 60.000 euro allocated for start-up prizes
- 6 enterprises established after the course
Together today to look forward to tomorrow
Fondazione Edoardo Garrone, in cooperation with the non-profit environmental organisation Legambiente, devoted an edition of the ReStartApp project to the enterprises in Central Italy affected by the 2016 earthquake, by developing enterprise acceleration tools and networking workshops.
Lazio – Marche – Umbria regions
- Over 30 enterprises involved
- 8 accelerated enterprises
- 2 networks of enterprises
The ReStartApp and RestartAlp projects joined efforts to create ReStartApp per i cammini italiani (ReStartApp for Italian trails), a special edition devoted to business projects to be implemented along Italian mountain trails and in the areas they run through.
Premia (VCO)
June 24 giugno – September 30, 2019
- 350 training hours
- 9 young aspiring entrepreneurs involved
- 60.000 euro allocated for start-up prizes
Through the Progetto Apennino project, Fondazione Edoardo Garrone offers the Apennine areas a series of skills and tools meant to favour the creation of new enterprises and make the most of the existing business environment, also by developing networks capable of sharing knowledge, resources, and opportunities, increasing process efficiency, and putting forward new proposals to meet the demands of a changed market scenario.
Progetto Appennino was held in the Umbria-Marche Apennines, in cooperation with foundation Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ascoli Piceno, leading a partnership that also includes Associazione Bottega Terzo Settore, Ashoka Italia, and Fondazione Ottavio Sgariglia Dalmonte.
Progetto Appennino was held in Irpinia, in cooperation with a partnership led by the Municipality of Avellino and also including the Municipality of Mercogliano and foundation Fondazione Polo Terra, representing the Area Vasta di Avellino community.
Progetto Appennino was held in the Ligurian Apennines (more specifically in Sassello, in the province of Savona) in cooperation with foundation Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, leading a partnership also comprising the Beigua Park Authority (Ente Parco del Beigua), the Municipality of Sassello (Savona), the Municipality of Campo Ligure (Genoa), Coopfond Spa, Lega Ligure delle Cooperative, and foundation Fondazione De Mari, and sponsored by foundation Fondazione Carige.
Find out more about the Project
Fondazione Edoardo Garrone
Via San Luca, 2 – 16124 Genova – Italy
Phone: +39 010.868.1530 – Fax: +39 010.868.1539
Monday – Friday – 09:00 am – 06:00 pm