Campus RestartApp

Acceleration programmes for companies in the Apennines
Since 2014 Fondazione Edoardo Garrone has been committed to relaunching the economy of the Apennines through initiatives sustaining youth entrepreneurship.
The Foundation’s commitment soon led to the creation of the ReStartApp project – a 10-week free, residential (“on-campus”) course for people under the age of 40 years having a business project in mind to be implemented in the Apennine region.

Join us!
Deadline June 18 2021 H.13.00 pm
Aspiring entrepreneurs wanted!
The on-campus course is open, free of charge, to a maximum number of 15 participants, selected on the basis of a Call for Ideas and a motivational interview.
Applicants should meet a series of specific requirements:
- Be less than 40 years old (on the day when the Call for Ideas closes)
- Be Italian citizens or foreign citizens resident in Italy
- Have a business idea, a business established less than 18 months before, or head/be a member of a network of enterprises in the following sectors:– agriculture, forestry management, agro-food industry, animal farming– tourism, craftsmanship/artisanal work, culture
- – manufacturing and non-profit sector
We are looking for innovative and sustainable start-ups and business ideas – in the agriculture, agri-food, animal farming, tourist, cultural, manufacturing and non-profit sectors – capable of signficantly contributing to relaunching and valorising the Apennine region.
The on-campus course
The residential (on-campus) course – free of charge – will be held in Fabriano (Ancona, Italy) from 6 September to 26 November 2021, with a half-term break between 11 and 24 October.
The course lasts 10 weeks and deals with several topics related to mountain entrepreneurship. It has been designed to easily adapt to the participants’ business ideas, offering trainees a true opportunity to learn:
- rural and mountain production processes management techniques;
- macro- and micro-economic trends;
- traditional and digital marketing theories and tools;
- techniques and tools for the securing of funds, contributions, and financial support to start and manage an enterprise;
- virtuous and successful practices in business and the valorisation of local areas;
- mountain and rural work and life experiences.

Ogni anno Fondazione Edoardo Garrone lancia una call per scegliere il territorio che ospiterà il Progetto Appennino. Il campus di incubazione – ReStartApp – e i progetti di accelerazione – Vitamine in azienda – e reti d’impresa – Imprese in rete – saranno avviati sul territorio con apposito bando.
Seguite i nostri canali social, la nostra newsletter e la pagina Bandi per non perdere nessun aggiornamento!
Find out more about the Project
Fondazione Edoardo Garrone
Via San Luca, 2 – 16124 Genova – Italy
Phone: +39 010.868.1530 – Fax: +39 010.868.1539
Monday – Friday – 09:00 am – 06:00 pm