Our commitment to the school
Educating the new generations has always been at the very heart of Fondazione Edoardo Garrone’s mission
Our projects seek to offer young people authentic, practical experiences based on active, responsible citizenship.

Every year, lower secondary school students were involved in a hands-on, practical learning path that led them to discover the local cultural and environmental heritage and economic assets.
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A one-week camp allowing 30 participants to learn about the environmental, economic, and cultural resources of the Apennines.

A 17-episode cartoon targeted at the younger ones and developed in cooperation with ASviS (Alleanza italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile - Italian alliance for sustainable development), to explain how the 2030 Agenda is crucial for the health of our planet and the wellbeing of present and future generations.
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A project developed to support remote learning and civic education in lower and upper secondary schools. A series of videos created in cooperation with Italian leading figures and dealing with topics like sustainability, culture, and innovation.

Planning and holding LA GIORNATA DELL’APPENNINO (THE APPENINES' DAY). Six classes from six Genoa schools, motivated and guided by as many nationally recognised mentors, joined efforts to organise an event aimed at promoting the Apennines and their environmental, cultural, and gastronomic resources.
Tra le Righe (Between the lines) is a project carried out in cooperation with the Andersen magazine and the Sarvego Festival and aiming at offering pupils from primary and lower secondary school the opportunity to read and write literature on topics related to Sustainability and Active, Responsible Citizenship.
Acting as both readers and authors, children are able to explore and experiment with the languages of literature for children and adolescents, creating new contents and creatively sharing their emotions, ideas, and projects for a better society.
Find out more about our Projects
Fondazione Edoardo Garrone
Via San Luca, 2 – 16124 Genova – Italy
Phone: +39 010.868.1530 – Fax: +39 010.868.1539
Monday – Friday – 09:00 am – 06:00 pm