Fondazione Edoardo Garrone

“The vital, delicate balance between and among economic dynamics, the environment, and social evolution calls for both simple day-to-day practices and long-term, far-reaching and systematic visions; similarly, we need creative, conscientious citizens as well as curious, respectful innovators. In both cases, we need empathic human beings open to sharing. Developing the best education and training paths to support young people’s ideas and projects requires all-encompassing, complementary, and constantly-evolving skills. This is why we deeply value cooperation and networking”

Francesca Campora

Locandina ASVIS

Asvis brings together more than 240 organisations, looking to raise awareness of the importance of the 2030 Agenda and to mobilise civil society, economic entities, and the institutions to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals.

From agriculture to inclusive, top-quality education; from the promotion of environmental resources to social equality, always placing local areas, communities, and their vocations at the very heart of the projects. Fondazione Edoardo Garrone’s activities naturally embrace and incorporate many of the aspects addressed by the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals. In their pursuit, the Foundation works side by side with a strong, constantly growing network of partners, driven by the conviction that only by working together, only by systematising different but complementary, synergic skills, can significant and shared objectives truly be accomplished.

Logo Assifero
A reference association for institutional philanthropy in Italy, Assifero currently counts 120 members including leading private (family-run, corporate, and community-based) foundations and other philanthropic institutions. All members have in common the will to create networks to share knowledge, skills, and resources and promote sustainable development in Italy and at an international level. Becoming a member of Assifero came natural to Fondazione Garrone, who fully identifies with the idea of sharing – not only financial resources, but also project ideas and human talents -, so as to develop increasingly strong, high-quality cooperation and initiatives.

Our network

The projects we are part of

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