The Foundation
We devise, develop, and implement education and training projects designed to involve young people in authentic, practical activities based on active, responsible citizenship.
About us
At the heart of the Foundation’s purpose and commitment are education and training, in a wide range of top-quality formats that cut across different topics and targets: from educational projects for primary school and lower and upper secondary school pupils, to post-graduate courses, all the way to business incubation and acceleration programmes looking to enhance the establishment and development of new sustainable enterprises.
Driven by the above principles and goals, the Foundation has decided to mainly devote itself to the Progetto Appennino project. Progetto Apennino includes a series of initiatives aimed at promoting the important environmental, cultural, economic, and social resources of Italy’s Apennines, the ultimate objective being to substantially support young entrepreneurs committed to conceiving and implementing new sustainable development models for the benefit of local areas and communities.

We devise, develop, and implement education and training projects designed to involve young people in authentic, practical activities based on active, responsible citizenship.
The greatest challenge currently posed at all levels by our increasingly complex, globalised world – and having a direct impact on the future of the younger generations – is that of sustainable development.
We are deeply convinced that achieving such an important goal requires everyone’s active and informed involvement, with each individual contributing with their own unique abilities and aspirations, each unlocking their talents and fulfilling their potential thanks to the most appropriate tools and skills.
The vital and delicate balance between economic dynamics, environmental heritage, and social evolution calls for both simple day-to-day practices and far-reaching, systemic visions; similarly, we need conscientious and creative citizens as well as curious, respectful innovators.
This is why any sustainable development idea or objective can only start from solid, generous education.
This is the vision that guides and inspires everything we do.
We work to help young people find their aspirations, to nurture and strengthen the determination and commitment they need to pursue their personal and professional growth, and to connect their experience to those of others, increasing their awareness of the countless needs and opportunities of today’s world.
Each and every project we launch revolves around these ideas, and seeks to offer young people an opportunity to play an active, informed, creative and collaborative role, so that their personal growth can be fine-tuned to the world of tomorrow.

Our work and our projects revolve around the younger generations and their education: they hold our future in their hands, and trusting their potential is not enough – it needs to be harnessed, guided, and supported.
For innovative ideas to be turned into tangible projects, skills and tools are needed: this is the ideal encounter that takes place during all our education and training events, the goal always being making the new generations real protagonists.
Each and every one of our classes starts from a group of young people and their dreams … we walk part of their journey beside them, the stretch that will make them more aware, better qualified, and will perhaps turn them into entrepreneurs or managers… for sure, it will make them responsible citizens of a complex world that needs all their care.
Alessandro Garrone
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Find out more about FEG
Fondazione Edoardo Garrone
Via San Luca, 2 – 16124 Genova – Italy
Phone: +39 010.868.1530 – Fax: +39 010.868.1539
Monday – Friday – 09:00 am – 06:00 pm