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Workshops for the creation of networks connecting enterprises based in the Apennines

In 2018 Fondazione Edoardo Garrone successfully implemented for the first time the networking workshops for young enterprises based in the Apennines. Thanks to ReStartApp per il centro Italia (ReStartApp for Central Italy), around 20 enterprises are now taking part in networking projects. By sharing skills, resources and processes, these enterprises have started interacting and cooperating at a local level, going beyond mere production-related aspects and, de facto, significantly contributing to the growth of the entire region.

As part of Progetto Appennino, Imprese in rete (Networked enterprises) has joined the enterprise acceleration programme Vitamine in azienda (Company vitamins) and the long-standing ReStartApp project, the start-up incubator for young aspiring entrepreneurs based in mountain areas. The outcome is an integrated, flexible, individualised system of different education and training tools aimed at relaunching the local economy.

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The workshop for the creation of local enterprise networks

This is a free-of-charge, individualised programme offering consultancy and coaching to promote the creation and strengthening of networking projects between and among enterprises operating in the Apennines.

The workshop includes 7 dedicated meetings led by consultants and coaches, during which the enterprises wishing to set up a new networking project or to strengthen an existing one will be able to jointly develop a multi-year strategic project.

The target

A Group of enterprises sharing the opportunity to create a network in order to meet common needs, while also maximising the performance of individual businesses. The network can include enterprises based in the same geographic area, selling the same products or operating in the same sector.

What does “networking” mean?

  • Sharing assets or strategic resources
  • Centralising processes and procedures
  • Sharing knowledge and skills

How to take part in the project

Each group of enterprises can apply by filling out the application form entro e non oltre i termini indicati dal bando.

il gruppo di progetto rete marche

Enterprises wanted

We are looking for formal/informal groups of enterprises based in the Umbria and Marche region Apennines, preferably run by young entrepreneurs under the age of 40


Outlining a multi-year networking project defining specific objectives, strategies, actions and economic-financial forecasts

Developing a business plan that will promote and speed up the creation and development of the networking project itself

Ogni anno Fondazione Edoardo Garrone lancia una call per scegliere il territorio che ospiterà il Progetto Appennino. Il campus di incubazione – ReStartApp – e i progetti di accelerazione – Vitamine in azienda – e reti d’impresa – Imprese in rete – saranno avviati sul territorio con apposito bando.  

Seguite i nostri canali social, la nostra newsletter e la pagina Bandi per non perdere nessun aggiornamento! 


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