Discovering Genoa

Let's discover the city…
Genova scoprendo (Discovering Genoa) was launched in 2010 with the specific goal of letting the younger generations learn about their city’s cultural, environmental and economic assets. Pupils from lower secondary schools are involved every year in an experiential journey allowing them to find out about the history and the leading figures that marked Genoa The Superb’s past.

… and be involved in its future
However, this is not simply a journey into the city’s history. The pupils are also encouraged to imagine an environmentally-friendly future. To this aim, new environmental education activities have been added to the project over the years: from “Keep&Clean”, which involves the younger ones in cleaning up city parks; to the contest “#sostenibilitàinscatola” (sustainability in a box), where the various classes have to use a cardboard box to reproduce a corner of Genoa adding environmentally-sustainable ideas and solutions; all the way to getting to know some non-profit organisations that work in the area to make the city more socially-sustainable, too.
The legs of our educational journey:
Classroom educational days:
- Activities on the correct management of food resources;
- Meetings with representatives of non-profit, voluntary work organisations.
Environmental day trip to reflect upon appropriate waste collection, with a focus on waste reduction and correct management
Final day:
- Tour of the city to discover its historical, artistic, and cultural heritage;
- Display of project works and awarding ceremony of the class winner of the contest #sostenibilità in scatola.

Find out more about our Projects
Fondazione Edoardo Garrone
Via San Luca, 2 – 16124 Genova – Italy
Phone: +39 010.868.1530 – Fax: +39 010.868.1539
Monday – Friday – 09:00 am – 06:00 pm